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Making paper from trees

Pint of materials used in the production of paper for different nations and ages; began Pharaohs using papyrus (Papyrus), and it derived the term paper in English (Paper) then the Chinese paste problem of hemp fiber, and bark of mulberry trees, and rags, where the fermentation, then singled to dry, and used to write them. After Birth appeared different types of paper, use Alongelusakson to beech bark.


After Birth appeared different types of paper, use Alongelusakson to beech bark. The Greeks and Romans, they used thin types of goat skins and young cows in the writing instruments. Upon arrival of the Islamic conquest of Central Asia, contact Muslims Chinese civilization, and took her paper industry. He established Muslims paper factory in Samarkand in 751.


He established Muslims paper factory in Samarkand in 751. At the end of the eighteenth century noted naturalist French Rene Antoine de Rimur (René Antoine de Réamure) that certain types of wasps build their nests from material similar to paper cardboard, and keeps track of these wasps, found it you devour the core timber, and chew, and then build their nests from him, so he - since then - replacing pulp wood fiber and rags; where he is extracted pulp wood from forest trees, and then mixed with water until the lump, then singled and dried Faiser paper and to be pulping of trees to be thawed article carnivores for wood fiber, known as ( lignin), and the process of dissolving initially performed using large round stones like millstones, paid through tree trunks, and as a result of severe friction produces enough heat to melt the lignin.


lignin), and the process of dissolving initially performed using large round stones like millstones, paid through tree trunks, and as a result of severe friction produces enough heat to melt the lignin. Now it has become the heat produced from the process of preliminary heating of the logs, then pay cut wood between Turntables high speeds, thereby creating a fragment of wood fibers.


Now it has become the heat produced from the process of preliminary heating of the logs, then pay cut wood between Turntables high speeds, thereby creating a fragment of wood fibers. In the fifties of the nineteenth century American chemist Benjamin was able Tljman (Benjamin C. Tilghman) to draw the powder processing wood pulp with الكبريتوز acid under hot steam. In 1883, the German inventor Karl countries (Carl Dohl) by adding sodium sulfate to caustic soda in the process of extracting wood pulp, which produced somewhat appropriate for the manufacture of paperboard used in the manufacture of cardboard boxes and paper packaging different. In some paper mills are a combination of two methods; since added chemicals, and then pay the resulting mixture to the turntables for pulping.

In some paper mills are a combination of two methods; since added chemicals, and then pay the resulting mixture to the turntables for pulping. With the continuous development in the paper industry, the process of extraction is performed using more sophisticated means, and are controlled using a computer.

With the continuous development in the paper industry, the process of extraction is performed using more sophisticated means, and are controlled using a computer. After completion of the extraction process, enter the pulp in the refining process, by Amrarh through rotary segments within the refinery; thereby creating a biodegradable wood fiber cell walls, which leads to the formation of more flexible fibers. And repeating the process several times to get a higher quality paper.

And repeating the process several times to get a higher quality paper. Then the pulp is washed, and his candidacy, and dried, and then add some bleaching materials.

Then the pulp is washed, and his candidacy, and dried, and then add some bleaching materials. And divided timber used in the manufacture of paper into two types:

  • Soft wood: such as pine wood, pineapple, and fir. Featuring wood long Bolaaffha; therefore used in the manufacture of most types of paper.
  • Hardwoods: such as wood gum trees, poplar, and maple, and oak. Featuring wood short Bolaaffha. It uses wood pulp in the manufacture of printing papers, writing, and luxury types of paper.

Due to the poverty of many of the world's forests, a number of them resort to Add rice and wheat straw to wood pulp in paper manufacturing. After refining stage comes the stage of forming the dough in the form of sheets. In the past it is a handy way, came up Nicolas Robert (Nicholas Robert), in 1798 and introduced to an individual pulleys pulp pulp. In 1803, the brothers Henry Alangelesian and Seeley Fordanyh (Fourdinier Brothers) manufactures machine known as the "machine Fordanyh".

In 1803, the brothers Henry Alangelesian and Seeley Fordanyh (Fourdinier Brothers) manufactures machine known as the "machine Fordanyh". Where is the machine has been essential in the manufacture of paper to this day. The width of this machine ten meters, and a length of more than one hundred meters, and can produce online sheet of paper ten meters wide, and at speeds of up to more than nine hundred meters of paper per minute. And be by publishing pulp pulp over the course of constant movement and vibration, which lead to the loss of water and reverse the dough help of absorbent machines.

And be by publishing pulp pulp over the course of constant movement and vibration, which lead to the loss of water and reverse the dough help of absorbent machines. Remaining after mat of fiber semi-arid squeeze through Turntables, then roll over the steam-heated drying cylinder Faizal most of the water content. Then enjoy surfaces dried by compressed between the cylinder special machine called "machine Altsquil", then folded , and damage - after that - on reels. It is noticeable that the chemical bonds that cause paper strength, cohesion arise mainly during the drying phase, which requires this stage with high efficiency. Different paper types depending on the method used in manufacturing, and depending on the chemical treatments performed during manufacturing. Usually different that way and these processors depending on the intended purpose use of paper in it. For example, printing paper made from chemical fiber learned the way, and treated to prevent drink ink while printing.

For example, printing paper made from chemical fiber learned the way, and treated to prevent drink ink while printing. The packaging papers, are polished and refined to look shiny shiny, as they deal with special treatment to avoid drink liquids. The advertising papers, are covered with a layer mixture of pure clay and adhesives.

The advertising papers, are covered with a layer mixture of pure clay and adhesives. The papers are writing regular low-cost, as made from fiber extracted mechanically.

The advertising papers, are covered with a layer mixture of pure clay and adhesives. The papers are writing regular low-cost, as made from fiber extracted mechanically.

It is the most popular types of paper:

  • Printing Paper: made from chemical pulp Abstract way as well, but it is added to Jeenth of rags, and then re-address chemically dough. This type is characterized by highly resistant to moisture and lack of absorption of liquids.
  • Paper magazines: It looks like newsprint, but it is characterized him clear Plumaana. And makes both types of chemical pulp Abstract way.
  • Printing Paper: made ​​from chemical pulp Abstract way as well, but it is added to Jeenth of rags, and then re-address chemically dough. This type is characterized by highly resistant to moisture and lack of absorption of liquids.
  • Cardboard: There it is of two types: type polygon: It consists of several layers, and is used for the production of packaging boxes.
  • Type gray: pulp manufactured by drying a paste used where private kiln, instead of cylinder drying, and is used in the binding of various publications.
  • Cardboard: handles the pulp used in its manufacture different chemicals, and painted with layers of wax, as it is used in food packaging.

The first countries in the world in the production of paper is the United States of America and Canada, as their combined production reaches to 40% of global production. Despite the abundance produced from paper, but their consumption increased up to limit the consumption of most of the production, import paper from other regions of the world.